Jordi Pont-Tuset bio photo

Jordi Pont-Tuset

I'm from a small town near Girona, Catalunya. Currently in Zürich, Switzerland. Passionate about computer vision, technology, running, and mountains.

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Work Experience

• I am a research scientist at Google Research.

• I was a post-doctoral researcher at ETHZ with Prof. Van Gool.

• I did an internship at Disney Research, resulting in three patents.

• I collaborated with the startup Fezoo.


• I have a PhD in Computer Vision, supervised by Prof. Marques.

• We created MCG in Prof. Malik’s vision group in UC Berkeley,
supervised by Dr. Arbeláez. It has over 1300 citations.

• I received a Mathematics degree, a Telecommunication
engineering degree, and a Master´s degree from UPC Barcelonatech.

Computer Skills

• Give me the STL library and a VCS repository on which to store the C++ code, and I shall move the world. Or was it about levers? ツ

• I use Python for fast prototyping and testing.

• I cannot sleep at night if I have not committed my code or
if I have not done enough unit tests.

• I build awesome websites using Javascript, Web Components, and D3.js.


• El català és la meva llengua materna.

• Hablo español como lengua materna.

• My English is proficient.

• Je parle un peu français.

• Ich beginne Deutsch zu lernen.

You can also download my résumé in PDF, or my full CV.